Trying To Conceive A Boy - Quick Ideas For Conceiving a Boy Baby Easily

Body pH will oscillate and is determined by what foods you consume. A high pH level enables conceiving a baby girl while a low pH level enables for a boy. The spermatozoa that carry that Y chromosome for males are not very strong and can die quickly in an acidic vaginal tract with a high pH. For becoming pregnant with a son an alkaline rich diet is a must as it decreases your pH level. If your body is less acidic it means the pH of your cervix and vagina are also less acidic. A less acidic environment in your cervix enables the Y chromosome spermatozoa to survive more easily and move more quickly to fertilize the ovum. One way to lower the pH of your cervical fluid is to go on a special diet that restricts how many acidic foods you consume. In the months leading up to conception try to avoid eating foods (foods to conceive a boy) that are pickled or contain vinegar. Foods such as almonds and green tea are high in alkaline properties and should be consumed. The lists of alkaline and acidic foods are long and you can find a food list easily to help you come up with a daily diet.

There have been numerous studies to aid us in knowing how to conceive boys.

 Understanding the complete picture of conception will be beneficial in your goal to conceive a baby boy. Some people are very fertile and can conceive boys very easily while others have to consult a medical professional. If a woman is infertile it may mean that she is unable to carry a pregnancy to full term. The methods of treatment for infertility may be grouped as medical or complementary and alternative treatments. One home conception implement that can help with fertilization and conception of a male is known as the cervical cap insemination method ( This at home method allows all the semen to be positioned against the cervical area for six hours which makes conception of a boy far more probable. Fertility medications may be prescribed if conception is not occurring even though both the sperm and the reproductive organs are healthy. Another way to medically help conception of a boy is when a physician introduces spermatozoa into the uterus during ovulation via a catheter. If conservative medical treatments fail to achieve a full term pregnancy the physician may suggest the patient undergo in vitro fertilization of male sperm.


 How you can be sure to conceive a son without invasive medical procedures

By timing when you have intercourse you can control if you will become impregnated with a male. A technique known as the Shettles’ method was discovered in the seventies and has been used by many people to select gender naturally. The main idea of his model is that when couples learn how to time intercourse accordingly to ovulation they can influence the sex of the baby.  Sperm carrying Y chromosomes apparently swim faster but do not survive as long as their X-carrying counterparts.  By having intercourse right at the time of ovulation the faster-swimming male sperm will have an advantage. If the timing is a day or two earlier more of the male spermatozoa will die out and a female baby is most likely (trying to conceive a boy). The likelihood of conceiving a son greatly increases to almost 100% the closer to ovulation that you have intercourse. Avoiding sex or the man ejaculating during your pre-fertile phase will increase the man's spermatozoa count and increase your chance of having a boy. This low-tech method is noninvasive and it is very affordable to find an ovulation predictor kit or to check your basal body temperature daily.   Shettles claims that his methods for a boy have a success rate of 80-85% and the methods for a girl a little less at 75-80%.

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